Cat Grooming

Whether you are a new cat owner or a long time lover of these furry little bundles of joy, a few tips on grooming can be very beneficial to anyone. Generally, cats are very clean animals. A cat will bathe by licking itself numerous times a day. This is helpful with the cat grooming process, not only to the cat maintaining good hygiene, but also to the owner in that they do not need to bathe the cat very often. If your cat has short hair, it will typically not need to be brushed more than one time a week. This should be done gently with a wire brush first and repeated after with a rubber brush or a mitt brush to remove dried skin and dead hairs. If your cat has longer hair, you may need to brush several times a week to keep the fur from getting matted. So play with your cat a little to get them relaxed and then have a cuddle session with the cat and the brush.

If you have ever seen the movie Homeward Bound, you know that cats in general do not like water. Bath time can be one of the more stressful cat grooming processes, so try to be gentle and loving with the cat through this process. Gently massage the shampoo from head to tail and rinse at a good temperature.

Nails on cats need to be trimmed to keep them from getting too long which can be painful to the cat as well as your beautiful sofa or carpet. Gently grab the cat’s paw and put a little pressure on the palm with your finger to allow the nails to pop out. In the middle of the nail you will see the quick, which is the vain that runs through it. Try to avoid cutting this as doing so will cause slight bleeding. Nails grow at different rates, so this is not something that should be done every week or two, just when you see they are getting too long.

Always remember to place the litter box in a consistantly accessable place and never use cleaning products that smell similar to the litter as this may cause confusion. Don’t forget to love this animal and enjoy the time you have together.